Family / Parent Support

    Results: 34

  • Adoption Legal Services (3)

    Adoption Legal Services


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to independently adopt a child, legally relinquish a child for adoption or initiate or respond to litigation which involves the placement or removal of a child.
  • Adoption Services (47)

    Adoption Services


    Programs that participate in arranging permanent homes under new legal parentage for individuals whose birth parents are unable or unwilling to provide for their care. Included are programs that provide counseling and assistance for people who decide to relinquish their children for adoption or arrange for an independent adoption; which recruit, select, counsel and match suitable adoptive parents with children who have been relinquished; which assist in the adoption of stepchildren, adults or foreign-born children; which provide foster care for children who have been relinquished for adoption but not yet placed; and/or which assist people who are adopted to locate their birth parents and birth parents to locate the children they relinquished.
  • Adult Day Programs (48)

    Adult Day Programs


    Programs that provide care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.
  • Adult Protective Services (6)

    Adult Protective Services


    Social services programs that provide assistance for older adults, people with disabilities and other vulnerable individuals who are unable to act on their own behalf or manage their own affairs, or who are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect, self-neglect or abandonment. Included are APS programs that investigate cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation working closely with a wide variety of professionals including physicians, nurses, firefighters and law enforcement officers following receipt of a report from friends, neighbors or others concerned for their safety; and public and private guardianship/conservatorship programs that make provisions for people who have been judged to be incompetent by the court by assuming responsibility for the care and custody of the individuals and/or for the management of their estates.
  • Attendant Services for People With Disabilities (1)

    Attendant Services for People With Disabilities


    Programs that provide support for individuals with disabilities who need assistance with routine activities in or outside their homes.
  • Birthday Programs (1)

    Birthday Programs


    Programs that provide cakes or cake mix, candles, wrapping paper, gifts or other items to help community residents celebrate a family member's birthday.
  • Breast Milk Banks (1)

    Breast Milk Banks


    Programs that collect and store milk from the mammary glands of women who are willing to donate it for use with infants whose own mothers have no milk and who are unable to use milk from cows or goats.
  • Caregiver Training (15)

    Caregiver Training


    Programs that provide training for family members and other informal caregivers which focuses on care-related activities such as medication management, personal care and making the home environment safe and barrier-free as well as on stress management and other techniques to help the caregiver take care of him or herself. The focus of the training is on building the skills and capacity of the caregiver to manage their caregiving role. Some programs include a caregiver assessment, development of an individualized plan that focuses on the caregiver, setting goals and establishing a routine for ongoing support for the caregiver.
  • Case/Care Management (24)

    Case/Care Management


    Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. Case management is a collaborative process characterized by communication, advocacy and resource management to promote high quality, cost-effective interventions and outcomes.
  • Child Care Provider Referrals (41)

    Child Care Provider Referrals


    Programs that provide statewide and community-based services that are designed to improve the availability and quality of child care. These programs maintain lists of child care resources and link families who are in need of child care services with child care centers, licensed family child care homes and other organization-based providers; provide information that helps families become good consumers of child care services; recruit new child care providers to expand the availability of the service locally; provide training and technical assistance for providers; and collect and disseminate data which document the demand for child care services and the current availability of child care resources. Some programs may also make referrals to preschools and many provide referrals to children's play groups.
  • Child Care Providers (15)

    Child Care Providers


    Programs that provide substitute parental care in a group setting for children during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include recreational and developmental activities and snacks and/or meals as appropriate.
  • Child Custody/Visitation Assistance (3)

    Child Custody/Visitation Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to obtain custody of their children as a part of a divorce or separation action, who want to appeal all or a portion of the terms of a previous child custody decision, or in the case of a noncustodial parent, who want to establish or appeal the terms of a visitation award or a court-ordered visitation schedule. Included are programs that provide child custody/visitation assistance for people who are not legally married but have children together.
  • Child Support Assistance/Enforcement (4)

    Child Support Assistance/Enforcement


    Programs that provide assistance which helps to ensure that parents fulfill their mutual obligation to financially support and provide health care for their children. Included are services for people who want to locate an absent parent; establish paternity; establish a child support order; request that the non-custodial parent provide health insurance for a child in conjunction with a child support order; change the amount of a child support award; dispute a child support award; or enforce payment of child support monies in cases where the supporting parent is delinquent in paying or refuses to pay or make health insurance arrangements altogether. Child support is money paid by one parent to another for the maintenance, including the education, of their children following the dissolution of their marriage or other relationship. Non-custodial parents enrolled in an insurance plan at work may be required to include the child under this coverage while those not covered by any insurance plan may be required to obtain medical coverage, if available at a reasonable cost. Child support assistance/enforcement may be provided by private attorneys, legal clinics, family law facilitators' offices or child support enforcement programs which are available in all states, often as a component of the district attorney's office.
  • Children's Protective Services (9)

    Children's Protective Services


    Programs that investigate reports of child abuse, neglect or abandonment; document substantiated cases; provide for the temporary placement of children who, for their own protection, have been removed from the custody of the adults who are responsible for their care; work with families who are experiencing a problem with child abuse with the objective of facilitating continued family unification or reunification; and provide ongoing supportive services for children in permanent placement.
  • Christmas Baskets (2)

    Christmas Baskets


    Programs, generally supported by donations from the community, that attempt to facilitate enjoyment of the Christmas season by low-income community residents through distribution of food baskets which usually contain a ham, turkey or other meat and all of the trimmings for a Christmas dinner (or vouchers to purchase these items) and occasionally gifts for children or other family members.
  • Companionship (5)



    Programs that provide friendship and shared activities and/or appropriate role models for individuals who suffer from lack of company, loneliness or social isolation; who need emotional support from a "buddy" to cope with a difficult life situation; who need practice conversing in English; or who lack the companionship and guidance of an adult or figure or peer role model.
  • Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services (9)

    Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services


    Programs that provide information and guidance and/or representation in court proceedings for individuals who have been abused in an intimate relationship and/or for people who are facing a summary conviction offence or criminal charge for perpetrating abuse. Included are domestic violence law clinics and other legal assistance programs that represent victims of domestic abuse at restraining order hearings or in other civil or criminal actions involving charges against an abuser. Most also represent the person's interests in complexities that arise as part of the legal process such as restitution, payment of debts or child support, custody and visitation and property control. Some programs may also represent victims of domestic abuse who have been charged with a crime and/or handle cases involving accusations of child abuse filed by one parent against the other, abuse of an elderly person by an adult child or abuse of an adult child by a parent.
  • Elder Law (11)

    Elder Law


    Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need assistance in the area of law which relates to the rights and needs of older adults, especially in the areas of age discrimination, consumer fraud, estate planning and management, living trusts, trust administration, probate, property law, retirement planning, pension benefits, Social Security benefits, Medicaid and Medicare, disability planning, long-term care alternatives, health care decisions, elder abuse, guardianships and conservatorships.
  • Family Based Services (7)

    Family Based Services


    Programs that provide a wide variety of social services that are designed to support healthy family development, improve the family's ability to resolve problems (such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, homelessness, substandard housing, educational difficulties, substance abuse, adolescent pregnancy, delinquency and physical and developmental problems) and prevent the need for unnecessary placement of children in foster care, group homes, inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment programs, residential training schools or other alternative environments when family problems reach crisis proportions. Services may include home visiting services that focus on public health issues (especially prenatal), mental health and substance abuse counseling, home management instruction, success in a child care setting, parenting skills development, stress management, tutoring, pregnancy awareness and AIDS awareness; may be available to the community at large, to families at risk for dissolution or those currently in crisis; and may be offered by a single agency or a coalition of agencies that have agreed to provide services according to a coordinated case plan.
  • Foster Home Placement (11)

    Foster Home Placement


    Programs that link individuals who are in need of alternative living arrangements with appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care. Licensing requirements vary from state to state and, in some situations, licensing is not required at all. Programs that provide placement services for children and adults with disabilities are generally also responsible for recruiting, training, certifying and monitoring placements in family homes and for providing support for the family and the individual(s) with disabilities who live with them.
  • Gatekeeper Alert Programs (1)

    Gatekeeper Alert Programs


    Programs operated by organizations such as utility companies, departments of sanitation and local post offices that ask employees who work in residential neighborhoods on a regular basis (reading gas, electric and water meters, collecting refuse or delivering mail) to check on residents who are frail elderly or have disabilities and request an investigation by the appropriate authorities if the individual's normal routines have suddenly changed, e.g., if the person's mail has not been picked up on a regular basis. Also included are police departments and other organizations that conduct regular welfare checks in situations where people have requested the service. Training in what to look for is often provided by organizations in the community that work with older adults and people with disabilities.
  • Holiday Gifts/Toys (14)

    Holiday Gifts/Toys


    Programs, generally supported by donations from the community, that provide gifts such as clothing, toys and other items to help low income individuals and families, older adults, hospital patients and others celebrate any of the annual holidays.
  • Home Delivered Meals (70)

    Home Delivered Meals


    Programs that prepare and regularly deliver meals to older adults, people with disabilities and others who have difficulties shopping and/or preparing food for themselves or traveling to a site where a meal is being served.
  • Home Delivered Meals for Older Adults (20)
    BD-5000.3500 * YB-8000

    Home Delivered Meals for Older Adults

    BD-5000.3500 * YB-8000

    Programs that prepare and deliver regular meals to older adults and people with disabilities who are unable to shop and/or prepare the food for themselves or travel to a site where a meal is being served.

    Individuals who are age 50, 55, 60, 62 or 65 or older depending on the minimum age for qualifying as an older adult which varies by program.

  • In Home Assistance (8)

    In Home Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance in performing routine household, yard and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, eligible low income people, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs (38)

    Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs


    Programs that investigate and attempt to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents of nursing facilities, residential care homes, assisted living facilities and other supervised living facilities for older adults. The program also promotes policies and practices that improve the quality of life, health, safety, welfare and rights of residents; monitors laws, regulations and policies that affect those who live in long-term care facilities; provides the public with information about long-term care options; and promotes the development of consumer organizations concerned about long-term care. Under the federal Older Americans Act, every state is required to have an Ombudsman Program that addresses complaints and advocates for improvements in the long term care system.
  • Mentoring Programs (22)

    Mentoring Programs


    Programs that provide companionship, guidance and/or role models for individuals who are disadvantaged because of age, income, physical or developmental disabilities or family environment.
  • Military Service (6)

    Military Service


    Organizations that are involved in the registration of people of legal age for military service and the recruitment, selection, training, stationing, deployment and support of military personnel and their dependents.
  • Parenting Education (44)

    Parenting Education


    Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
  • Placements for Children and Youth (5)

    Placements for Children and Youth


    Programs that provide alternative living arrangements for children and youth who have been neglected, abused or abandoned, who have had contact with the juvenile justice system, or who have a disability, and are no longer able to live with their families; or which conduct an evaluation of current placements to determine whether a change is warranted.
  • Representative Payee Services (1)

    Representative Payee Services


    Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, banks, relatives or other individuals who have been appointed under federal law to act as a surrogate in situations where a cognitive impairment makes it impossible for beneficiaries to manage their own Social Security and SSI/SSD payments. Representative payees are chosen and designated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to act on behalf of financially incapable SS or SSI beneficiaries. The individuals and organizations selected by the SSA may also manage waiver funding, consumer or family support grants or other types of benefits when chosen and designated by the administrating entity to act on behalf of beneficiaries who are incapable of managing their finances.
  • Respite Care (49)

    Respite Care


    Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
  • Respite Care for Older Adults (1)
    PH-7000 * YB-8000

    Respite Care for Older Adults

    PH-7000 * YB-8000

    Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.

    Individuals who are age 50, 55, 60, 62 or 65 or older depending on the minimum age for qualifying as an older adult which varies by program.

  • Youth Enrichment Programs (20)

    Youth Enrichment Programs


    Programs that offer a wide variety of activities including arts and crafts, academic programs, sports, reading clubs, workshops and other recreational, leisure, cultural, social and civic activities for school-age children and youth in out-of-school hours. The objective of youth enrichment programs is to promote healthy social interaction and help participants maximize their social, emotional, physical and academic potential.